This blog post has been saved in my dashboard for weeks now waiting for me to do the write up and press the publish button. But the more I think about words the more I struggle to find them to describe this day, the couple, the atmosphere. It was just incredible. The idea ‘lets hire a big house on the top of the hill overlooking 3 cliffs bay, put up a marquee next to it, invite friends and family to stay for the entire week, DIY everything and get married on Saturday in the village church followed by country side style of celebration within the house’s grounds’ to me simply sounds like THE perfect way of starting new life’s adventure.
Photographically Abi and Matt’s day was nothing but insane, I spent most of the time running around like headless chicken trying to be everywhere at once, laughing and shaking of cold (typical Welsh spring – beautiful but oh so cold! thank you to Abi’s mum for lending me her woolly jumper, I would have been in trouble otherwise).
hope you enjoy and I’ll leave you to the below set. x x
Aga, this is a huge post, and every single photos is wow! this must have been such a beautiful wedding and you captured it fantastically
What a captivating set of shots! I literally stopped and stared at the window shot showing you the vista outside – I don’t know what it is about it but it’s mesmirising! I love that we get a total feel for the location – brings a whole different atmosphere to it!
The creative use of those spiral stairs for the shots was brilliant too!
I want your ‘eye’! :)