Shot back in April now completed the set of chosen images for Max’s parents (whose wedding I was privileged to photograph last year by the way!) Hope you like, I think we had pretty good session that day and Max wasn’t too fussy with posing either haha. As far as I know he started having colic soon after I photographed him and the times of blissful sleep ended for ever… ;) Anyway, see below the set of images of angelic, calm, sleepy and totally heartmelting Max.

Jak zawsze super zdjecia:)
Widzialem na stronie ze masz juz d4 i d800? czy mam racje?
Gdzie kupilas ze juz masz ;-P ?? Ja kurde czekam 3-ci miesiac :(((
Mozesz polecic jakis sklep gdzie mozna kupic fotograficzne `props`? :)
Super foty, pozdrawiam :)
What beautiful use of colour and stunning little man x