The end of March and April to date have been totally work crazy for me. I’ve done 12 engagement shoots and 8 weddings within those 3 weeks and am only now editing it all gradually. This shoot I literally completed and sent off to the couple today, because it’s been on my mind for the past 2 days it seemed right to share it now that is fresh. ; ) Abi and Matt are just the dream models to photograph – not only beautiful but so stupidly romantic! Well you can see this shining through the below set. Again the weather was very helpful (although cold!) and made the whole shoot look like middle of the summer (plus I’ve added this feel in editing too, of course). I wonder where this fantastic weather is gone, so far April weren’t too lucky! I keep my fingers crossed for the rest of the month, we all really need Spring to come back! x

OMG! they are stunnig! whole session, every single image!
amazing:) not only are they looking amazing, but also the location!! where on earth is this??
I think this is the most beautiful e-session I’ve ever seen, not over-styled, just utterly, utterly gorgeous
Oh my god! I’m speechless! Lovely couple, beautiful location. I’ve never seen so many good shots! I wish I had this many photos from just one shoot! Not only that but every single one is breathtaking! Nice work Aga! xxx