So, 2017 kind of raised the bar to a whole new level. What an absolute and utter CRACKER of a year! Here I am sat in front of an empty page reminiscing events and attempting to put lots of scattered thoughts together. It was the kind of year that defies description a little…
Admittedly, I’ve been putting off this round up task as I knew it was going to take me forever. It took a bit less than that, but only just. ;) 2017 has been such an important year in my professional life that I wanted to do it justice – to tell its story in the best way possible.
I take and deliver many, MANY images, and to go through them all, carefully, with the aim of figuring out what is my best work was a mammoth task. I wanted to do it well especially since I don’t blog on regular basis and most of my work hasn’t been seen by anyone other than the clients themselves. So this, for me, is the opportunity to tell the story of 12 busy and wonderful months.
One of the hardest things to do when making these kinds of decisions is to (as writers say) ‘kill your darlings’. Emily & Faz’s mind blowing adventure of a 7 day wedding in New Delhi & the Himalayas deserves your attention on its own, so if you haven’t yet seen it, I really urge you to check this link and watch the explosion of colour & life that is their wedding slideshow. I made an executive decision of not including any India photos into the below line up. ;)
My gosh, another year huh? A damn fine year. An exhausting but rewarding year of shooting and editing weddings but also a year that saw me getting way out of my comfort zone and stepping up to other challenges. Back in Spring I ran my first ever workshop and in November I spoke at 9 Dots Gathering in London which was by far the most petrifying thing I’ve ever done (my heart rate has just about returned to normal). On top of that I was invited to join the 20 collective, a group of photographers I’ve been looking up to since I started my adventure so it felt amazing becoming one of them. And last but not least, I was asked to join the judging panel of TWIA (The Wedding Industry Awards) in the category of photography as well as approached by TIR (This Is Reportage) to judge their Collection One. The respect of your peers is important to anyone, but more than that, it was truly heartening to see what the industry is producing & I am so excited to be part of that.
At this point let me say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of the inspiring people I pointed my cameras at in 2017 for revealing their personalities, opening their hearts and laughing their heads off with me. They made my year epic, I witnessed their talents, their hugs and tears, nerves and drunk dances, their wonderful sense of humour, their inner beauty and some seriously great hair dos! ;) My wish is for them to never change, never grow old and never EVER stop loving.
So, here are my 2017 darlings; the faces and colours, emotions and actions that sum up these past 12 months. Images shot across Britain, Greece & Norway. 2018, you’d better bring it. <3
:: CLICK TO WATCH the slideshow in FULLSCREEN! Speakers on is a MUST too! ::
or feel free to scroll through the individual images below:

If you’re planning a wedding (in the UK or anywhere else in the world) and are looking for a wedding photographer drop me an email, I’d love to hear from you.
Aga Tomaszek Cardiff Wedding Photographer
Yes! Not the collection I was expecting, it was so much better. Aga you have grown so much this year haven’t you. Congratulations on a leap forward in your career. Very well deserved
hugs Nathan, and thank you! xx
This is so great to watch – you’ve created THE STORY in this collection of different stories. I love these moments where the next picture finishes or reacts to the story told by the previous picture! Amazing! Your pictures make me stop and think about different moments, emotions and about life in general. Thank you for creating this Aga! What a brilliant year!
aw it’s lovely you picked up on the little subtleties, I had fun playing around with those images! ;) That’s amazing what you said, really quite profound, thank you! <3
Such an incredible collection of photos Aga! 2017 was definitely your year and you 100% deserve your success! You work harder than anyone I know, have the talent to match and truly care about what you do – and boy, it shows in each and every frame and gallery you produce! Looking forward to more banter and good times in 2018!!
Feeling the love mr Miller, I really do! Thanks buddy, see you soon (and no cold bug is to stop you enjoying the company of likeminded peeps this time! xxx).
Absolutely. Freaking. Incredible. I couldn’t even tell you my standouts, there are simply too many!! Your work has it all; life, love, laughs, framing, composition, layers, emotion, you name it, you got it!! If I’m knit-picking, your editing can sometimes be a little inconsistent…. nahhhhhhhhhhh, only kidding mate, it’s bloody so on point and polished it makes me sick!!! Well done on a stunning year Aga, can’t wait to see what you do in 2018!! Now, where do I sign up for the workshop?!!
HAHAHAHAHAAH you cheeky git!! ?? thanks so much Sam, really appreciate it man ❤️
This is WOW! Speechless!
The date of our catch up already in my diary J! Really fancy visiting Poland over the next few months too so we’ll organise something when I’m there too xx
Really enjoyed your slideshow Aga!! Such a cool and fun bunch of images and the track was perfect!
Thanks Han, appreciate you taking the time to look! <3
Można po Polsku? :) Aga, nie widziałem dotychczas twoich prac. Jestem oszołomiony :O Zostałem przed chwilą twoim fanem :D W dobie wszechogarniającego lookslikefilm wyróżniasz się idealnie. Mega mi się podoba. Nie omieszkam pogratulować osobiście na Boringu w poniedziałek jeśli się wybierasz ;) Pozdrawiam
Mozna mozna! Dziekuje serdecznie Dawid, ciesze sie ze Ci sie podobalo! Tak, dla mnie ‘clean colour’ to jest powrot do zrodla (choc przyznam ze czasem mnie frustruje jak dlugo zabiera ‘wyczysic’ pliki w LR i zaluje ze nie wybralam bardziej ‘zmulonej’ formuly!). Osobiscie mega lubie film inspired processing nawet ten mocno podciagniety, podziwiam go u grona innych fotografow, portrafi pieknie korespondowach ze stylem. Ale moja dusza musi byc w jakim stopniu opetana przez kolor – i trzymam sie tego pomimo popularnosci filmowych presetow. :)
You’re a genius. That is all. Gem x
Unreal!! my mind is blow!!! beautiful colours framing and atmosphere. =)
AGA!!!! Oh my god, seriously mind-blowing work! And your slideshow is utterly perfect, I LOVED it. Every time I think that you have hit the top, you just keep going higher. Such a standout collection of images and so incredibly inspiring to look at. Massive high five to you xxx
Wow Aga,
Just a crazy good eye feast of pure brilliance throughout, love your work man massively!!
Insanely good – DAMN!!
Absolutely and completely insane! The realest of real moments, spectacular captures, insane crops and colors as usual! I expected nothing less but am blown away <3 You are a ROCKSTAR Aga!!! Keep on Rock’n’Roll!!!
Aga, too good!!! Just too good! So dynamic and alive, so creative, so compassionate…man, so everything! I love the bride laughing at the back of the car with her dad (?) in the front, the father and son hugging on the hay bales, the crazy gold shot!, the strawberry hand, a passionate kiss that looks to be just outside church, n’aaw, that sleeping flowergirl!, the walking group at the top of the frame, the groom with a (very enviable) beard’s smile as his bride joins him at the top of the aisle, the directly-overhead dancing shot – all your dancing shots, for that matter! -, b/w hairspray, the van push!, gah, just too many to mention, there really is! It was an absolute honour having you judge the first collection of TiR, and your support and trust is always something I’m going to be eternally grateful for. Getting to know you in ‘real life’ this past year has just been the icing on the cake! Can’t wait to catch up with you again and drag you to all the very finest fast-food eateries :)
Aga! I am blown away by this collection of incredible images. You have blasted 2017 for sure and I am so excited to see what you are going to achieve in 2018. you truly deserve your success. You are once superbly talented photographer! xxx
Incredible! What an amazing year. Your images speak volumes.
Unreal!!! Can you just please adopt me!!???
Love it Aga! So many amazing moments captured. The colours are so vibrant and real. Awesome stuff!
Absolutely incredible mrs!! What a joy to watch, you are a complete inspiration! x x
Wow! Just speechless! Everything everyone else had said here. Amazing work Aga. Absolutely stunning!
Bloody Ruddy Hell Aga…that slideshow is amazing. Its a 100mph yet still the individual images all leap out…LOVED it from start to finish! Good Job……..and heres to an awesome 2018 x
Moments and art mixed with pristine editing! Super duper! 2017 nailed!
Awesome Aga! ?? love your work! Looks like you had an epic 2017! ??
Lots of awesomeness here – especially love images from India. Hope the 2018 would be as good as 2017.
Thanks Martin… but here are no images from India here… :D
Awesome Aga, just awesome. Moments + Colour are two words that jump out at me. What a year you’ve had :-)
Stunning Aga! Still gutted you can’t do Ceinwen’s brother’s wedding too… :-( The colours are so vibrant, I love all your photos.
Incredible work, such a range of amazing emotions captured
Wow wow wow! So many great shots, but I think my favourite must be the portrait of the bride in the car through the reflection of the guy.
SOOOOOOO good! I don’t know how you capture so many amazing moments and such variety of shots!?!? And on top of that edit everything so beautifully. Yeah, I enjoyed looking through that!
Wow wow and a bit more wow!! Awesome shizz throughout Aga!
Fabulous! The cross eyed singer is my favourite (but it’s a close call!) Such a great view – loved the video.
Well Aga you made that worth the wait didn’t you?! :-) It is such a heart warming set of images that it is basically impossible for you not to grin ear to ear throughout it. It screams out your personality, fun, bubbly and dynamic. And obviously the most impressive edit I have seen. It has been a joy getting to know you and I’m proud to call you my friend. See you soon for more coffee drinking, chatting and hugs! xx
MEGA !!!
Wow! Your pictures are amazing!
I could comment on 90% of these…seriously. Uplifting, thoughtful, tender, funny, intelligent. Love it!
I LOVED looking through these images Aga! Love your colours and frames!! Ol
Aga you are the most talented photographer ever. My favorite for sure. I want to get married just so you can photograph it !! You see things others dont. I love the cheeky frames, I love the colors, I love the moments you capture. Absolutely fantastic. Amazing doesn’t sum up your Best of 2017. x
One thing for sure is that your focus game is on point.. really impressed with the sharpness and the technical competence, timeless editing which will not tire ever. It is fun to see you altering your approach to different situations, almost becoming that which you are shooting, changing levels and viewpoints complimentary to the story, some apparent and others hidden. You are out seeking emotive moments everywhere and not just blinkered on the couple. Then of course there is the layering and double exposure work, knock your socks off stuff. You are definitly deserving of being sought out for curation and sharing the limelight with your peers and those you have looked up to, prior to stepping into their platform. Congratulations.
Smashed it out the park!
Wow, what a year of amazing work! Well done.
Stunning collection — 2017 officially SMASHED !!!
Awesome shots! Congratulations Aga!
what a stunning set of images! i still haven’t done mine…kinda not sure whether to now i’ve seen yours ;-) LVOE that crazy golf shot of the groom early on! Great work. Thanks for the inspiration x
O wow, so many great moments captured
Best wedding photographs I had seen here and Congress to both for your wedding life.
I’ve come back again – I love looking through this set, so inspiring! Can’t wait to see what you’ve been upto in 2018, please do post a best of! :) <3
I’m a bit late to the party, but this is a stunning collection to be proud of, and I can’t wait to see your review of this year!
Jak Ty uzyskujesz taki piekny kolor?? :)
Rewelacyjne foty!!! Mam opad szczeny.
Very, very beautiful wedding photos
Kapitalne zestawienie, bardzo różnorodne fotki! Aż dziwi mnie że kompletnie nie znałem tego miejsca.
piękne foty, cudne
Very, very beautiful
Są emocje! Ładne światło! Piękny materiał!
Widzę Twoje prace po raz pierwszy i jestem zachwycony. Kolory!!! Kadry!!! Cudowne zdjęcia!!!
Piękne kadry a przede wszystkim naturalne głębokie kolory w przeciwieństwie do wielu popularnych dziś filtrów i zafarbów. Aż chce się oglądać!
Ahhh muzyka dla moich uszu!!! Dziekuje serdecznie kochani!!! xxx
Wspaniałe kadry! Młoda w samochodzie – mistrzostwo. Seria B&W przepiękna. Ciekawi mnie Twoje podsumowanie 2020. Jak minął ten rok? Nigdzie nie widzę na blogu… Był to ciężki rok dla nas wszystkich, ale na szczęście możemy już z nadzieją spoglądać w przyszłość… Pozdrawiam – Łukasz z Zakopanego
Hejka Lukasz! Wlasnie przechodze przez 3 lata roboty, bedzie sie dzialo, nowa strona w budowie i podsumowania z tych wlasnie trzech lat (od 2018 zycie troche przygniotlo i nie mialam czasu na blogowanie czy marketing, ale wracam!!). Zajrzyj za kilka tygodni, moj 2020 byl bardzo cichy tu w UK nie bylo od Marca pozwolenia na sluby takze pusty to byl rok, az serce sciska z tesknoty za dobra impreza! Ale to co sie wydarzylo bylo piekne i na pewno wrzuce moje ulubione kadry xxx
Świetne zdjęcia, miło się ogląda. Szczególnie podczas, gdy jest lockdown i człowiek tęskni za imprezami ! Pozdrawiam
I was given your name by a photographer I worked with in 2016. I just looked you up, and I absolutely love your images. I’ll be looking through your website for a while yet. Lovely work.
Wspaniałe zdjęcia :)
A sea of inspiration! Beautiful photos
Killer shot! Fajna historia! Jestem na TAK!
Piękne zdjęcia! Oglądając je można przenieść się do chwili w której były zrobione <3
Zdjęcia nietuzinkowe na prawdę mają coś w sobie !! świetna robota
Zdjęcia wyglądają niesamowicie – jakby w photoshopie był dodatkowy suwak, który nie tylko odpowiada za nasycenie kolorów, ale akcji, emocji i żywiołu. Wspaniały zestaw fotografii. Wow!