Eirik Halvorsen, Dan Morris & I are delighted to invite you to the UK edition of our wedding photography workshop, following the sold-out event in Norway in November 2016. With the British edition we have focused even more on making it a tangible experience for our attendees rather than theoretical, motivational or philosophical training; there will be plenty of hands-on advice, practical demonstrations, time for discussion and an opportunity to shoot as well as socialise. This is all about creating an atmosphere where we get straight to the point, share openly, help and learn from one another. We wanted to set up a workshop of genuine value & worth to our attendees, where our guests will come away with the skills they need to bloom.
Dan will host the workshop at his home in Cheltenham – so be prepared for things to be pretty informal. We will be fighting for a place on the sofa, playing with the sausage dog and laughing at his Welsh accent (Dan’s, not the dog’s…unless things get really unexpected…).
Well, this workshop is a toolkit. We will have a live, daylight shoot with a real couple (shooting models is easy, this will be gritty, awkward and challenging – just like with real clients!) and we wanted to try something new – we would love for you to observe, engage and take mental notes rather than photos. Instead of tripping over one another to take a shot that looks just like everyone else’s, we want to teach you how to make the most out of the scene, interpret it through your own eyes and modify it to create varied & compelling photographs. We will show options, explain what to do when you feel stuck, help you to understand and read light, and see the opportunities there as well as obstacles you need to overcome. This will be about helping you to learn valuable strategies & skills that you can apply to any shoot.
We will embrace the dark and teach the creative use of flash/long exposure to make images that will elevate your work & resonate with your clients. We will show you how to paint with light, shoot sparklers and get playful with multiple exposures. If it rains, we want you to know how to set up flash for that epic rain shot. If the skies are clear we plan to drive to a remote location where we’ll teach astrophotography + portraiture – a combination that freaks so many photographers out, but which can create the most magical & impactful images. It’s fine. We’ve got this.
Be prepared to leave the course inspired, full of new ideas, and technically enabled with your limits smashed and your horizons widened.
Come get some.
A two day, immersive photography workshop.
The workshop is aimed at people with decent camera skills, who have some experience at shooting weddings, and who wish to develop their creative voice whilst running a successful business.
Dan’s house, in the glorious town of Cheltenham. The exact address will be sent out to attendees closer to the launch date. We will suggest accommodation and can arrange lifts if needed.
21-22nd of March 2017
£500 per person, includes the 2 days of training and we will be providing lunch on both days, you may even get to taste some of my cooking! ;) Availability is strictly limited to 12 spaces.
DAY 1 – Eirik & Dan’s presentations:
* A look at kit, and the implications and limits of gear choice
* Defining your style
* Self development, risk taking and investment in yourself
* Going pro – making your photography pay the bills
* The running of a creative business; pricing advice, marketing, networking with integrity, and customer service & communication – all key areas that decide whether your business succeeds or fails.
EVENING – social dinner
We would love for you join us for dinner and drinks after the intensity of Day 1 (venue to be confirmed). We will get to know each other, laugh, play games and drink responsibly ;)
DAY 2 – Aga’s presentation (morning)
* practical and useable strategies to instantly improve your shots; composition, framing, and understanding why we are drawn to certain images.
* the dark arts of posing and providing a variety of images within the same environment.
* shooting with personality – how to make the wedding images we love actually happen and how to make the person behind the images a selling point too. We’ll look at the importance of mindset, your outlook on life and your attitude to people in wedding & portrait photography – this is what creates trust, communication & visual drama.
MIDDAY – live shoot
* Aga, Eirik, & Dan will take turns to guide the shoot, running through their thought processes & decision making to show you how they create their signature images. Be prepared to receive practical guidance on posing, learn to analyse ambient light, notice details, introduce movement & interact with the couple.
LUNCH – short food break
* post processing – Aga’s culling & editing process explained.
* Eirik + Dan talk about the importance of the final presentation of images – practical methods for online display & print, samples of photography products
EVENING 2 – the night shoot (8pm onwards)
After a brief, sober(!) dinner we will be out shooting in the dark. Depending on what weather we get, we will attempt some or all of the following;
* astro portraits
* light painting
* multi flash set ups
* multiple exposures
This will also be the opportunity to practice off-camera, multi-flash set ups and the use of modifiers. We will use each other as models (did I mention you may want to drink less at dinner…?! ;))
We expect to finish around 10pm and head back to Dan’s for the after party! ;)
UPDATE: the event has sold out, we look forward to seeing you there! :)
Our sponsors:
Pixellu: http://clk.pixellu.com/workshops-conferences
Nikon: http://www.europe-nikon.com/en_GB/
How can I pay? Yes please yes please :) xxxx
Definitely up for this one, let me get home from London and I will email!
Sorry Dean, we already sold out! We’ll keep you updated if there’s another round.
Just a small enquiry.
It will be my 1st wedding anniversary soon and I wanted to know if you have any workshops coming up next year as my husband is a photographer I would love to surprise him with a workshop
If you could let me know please
Charlotte x
Hey Aga
Any plans to do a new UK workshop in the future?
That would be awesome!
Hey Che, thanks for commenting! I’ll add you to my mailing list, I might do something later into the year, perhaps around September/ October time but no set date just yet. I’ll keep you posted! xx