“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.” Albert Einstein
Some of you may know that in the spare time I have from capturing weddings, I’ve been working with musicians – and absolutely loving it! I wanted to share my favourite music shots from 2014 before January ends and this kind of blog post will look just silly!
I consider myself very lucky to have worked with incredibly talented people, witnessed mind-blowing skill and true passion, laughed at all sorts of silly jokes and eaten seriously delicious brownies – always with the camera in my hand trying to get in the middle of the moment. From artists & bands promo shoots, through live sessions all the way to gigs, I have thoroughly enjoyed capturing music and am beyond excited about the shoots and events planned for the near future. I find these tasks so enjoyable; they tend to be a lot less pressured (every wedding photographer will know exactly what I’m talking about here!) and the sound that in most cases surrounds them seriously adds to the whole experience.
I’m thinking maybe it’s the part of me that never had a chance to develop. After I graduated from music school (piano) I decided to drop musical education and focus on arts, architecture and in the end – photography. I am a true music lover and although I would never dare to perform in any way anymore (!) I appreciate it with passion and feel very privileged to have become involved with the music world on both a professional & social level.
I hope you enjoy the below set :)
***my best friend SHOUTED at me that on this occasion I have to include shots of my photographs used for album covers and booklets so here they are…***
Some links to the works of people I met on my music adventure so far, most of them are using my images on their sites which is awesome to see :)
Edition Record Label http://editionrecords.com
Fieldgate Studio http://www.fieldgatestudios.com
Session Wedding Band http://www.sessionuk.com
Tim Gardland http://www.timgarland.com
Verneri Pohjola http://www.verneripohjola.com
Tim Cronin Band https://www.facebook.com/tcroninmusic?fref=ts
JP Jones https://www.facebook.com/jpmusic.tv?fref=ts
Sion Russel Jones https://www.facebook.com/SionRussellJones
Slowly Rolling Camera http://slowlyrollingcamera.com
Chloe Cooke https://www.facebook.com/ChloeCookeMusic?fref=ts
Lunar Rescue http://www.lunarrescue.com
Tom Green http://www.tomgreenmusic.com
Misha Mullov-Abbado http://mishamullovabbado.com
George Millard http://www.georgemillard.com
Thomas Gould http://www.thomasgould.com
Tom Poster http://www.tomposter.co.uk
Mind blowing again! incredible work Aga
Stunning music photography!